I cant believe its been a year!!

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Robin'sBrood :

Ebwy, so glad to hear from you! So glad you and baby Arwyn are doing well, health wise. Will be praying for your living conditions...

glad you found somewhere to stay and congrats on the new baby. Too bad you can't always pick your family.
Ok I know it is late in the game but I still not totally satisfied with Aiden for the baby. I wanted something different, not too unusual, not too common not weird, hard to pronounce or spell. I also wanted something that was ok for our family name usually a family members name for a middle. I also wannt to honor my grandmother if it was a girl. It is a boy and my dad is the last of with his surname. My brother is named after him except for the last name. I thought about Torin Edward (it would be my dads initials) but nobody likes it. Today I thought that this is baby number eight and Octavian is a nice name.

What do you guys think of Octavian Edward or Tavian Edward (my dad's initials)?

The last name is Elegue pronounced eeee--League(as in baseball league)----eeeeee.
Honestly? I'm not digging Octavian. Sorry.
Aidan is very popular now, for both boys and girls. What about Ian? It's close to Aidan but I don't think it's as popular. Naming children is one of the hardest things to do... makes you want to
doesn't it?
We have a list of names for the baby, but we are not telling family or friends because they never like the names. They will find out after the birth certificate is filled out.
Having a very very hard day.
Had an ultrasound yesterday. THe ultrasound was amazing. I could see her little hands, even her face when they did the 4D thing. It was so so cool. She is so beautiful. She is at 24+ weeks and weighs 1 pound 5 ounces. Aawwww...

Husband did not show up for the ultrasound.

THen perinatologist comes in and tells me I have placental artery notching. It is NOT a good sign. Preeclampsia is rather imminent and they are going to try to get me to 30 weeks. I am terrified. I give myself shots 2X a day for this and am on aspirin as well. I have no preemie clothes.

Husband did not ask about the ultrasound. When I told him he just sighed and rolled his eyes.

He is leaving me. He is sick of the farm and the animals. He told me he resents me. That he loves me but can't take all the work and the farm anymore. Um, *I* do the farm work. He did help the neighbors build me a fence, but *they* brought the fencing, skills, and know-how. He grumbled and complained because I bought a $133 roll of field fencing. Meanwhile, the neighbor gave us about $500 in fencing, hardware and fenceposts.

THere is no concern for the baby at all. When I asked him what to do about the farm if I have to go on bedrest, he told me to go to my Mom's and ask others to help with the animal care, because he won't. He doesn't hink he could do the work. Um, I do the work and I am an out of shape woman. But the work I do is too hard for his fit, 34 year old man self.

I know what the real truth is- I worked and went through a lot to put him through Engineering school. THe house was good enough when he was a student. Now he has a Big Important Job, and gets wined and dined by rich people with trophy wives. He wears $300 shoes while I wear $11 slip ons. We are just his shabby College family, and like students shed their college apartments, he is shedding us.

I am just so broken-hearted. To be left and treated like this after all the kids and I went through last year, a stillbirth in October. Plus I just lost my uncle last weekend. He is so cruel.
All I can say is
to you and
to your husband. It doesn't matter what kind of job you have if you're not a good person at heart. I'm a vet (my husband worked and put me through vet school) and I am perfectly happy with our 2 bedroom house on 2 acres, where I still do the farm work. Sure, we'd like to have a bigger place eventually, but this works just fine for now. And I would NEVER in my life spend $300 on a pair of shoes, even if I hit the lottery! Sounds like your hubby is either having a midlife crisis or is just a complete jerk.

How many other kids do you have to take care of? Do you have family close by? Where do you live? I'm sure if you're close to any of us that we'd be more than happy to lend a helping hand when you need it.

I know this has to be terrible for you, but hand in there for baby's sake. I'll be hoping and praying for both of you.
what a piece of crap!!! let him go and then take him to divorce court! what a punk, if he were my husband, i would be recording some of what he says and then letting his boss and coworkers listen somehow.
i am so sorry!!
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