I cant believe what just happened :'((((

Coccidia, is a parasitic invasion of the chickens intestinal system.
There is a lot of great info online about it, an how to prevent it. I have found that using medicated chick starter is a good way to prevent the disease and give the chicks a good start. Also, I have always had mine vaccinated at the hatchery when I ordered my chicks for Mareck's and Coccidia. Now I am vaccinating my own chicks. Some people choose not to vaccinate and some do. I choose to vaccinate my flock against the diseases that are prevalent in my area. Read up on the diseases and make a decision based on your personal needs. I hope your chickies are doing great this week!

Good luck.
Even with the chick waterer above, which I am using raised up, chicks have been know to drown. Someone posted last week about it. You should put marbles in this kind as well.

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