I can't stand the waiting!!! *UPDATE*

I never know what to say when someone has such a terrible loss. Just remember that time heals all and you are in our prayers.
How very unfortunate of an accident. He was so young...

Stay close with your family and support each other through this trying time.
I'm very sorry about your cousin, I've never lost one, but I know it must be hard. Especially when you can't do anything.
I lost my seventeen year old brother when I was five. I was closer to him than I was to any of my other brothers (I was one of the youngest, so he spoiled me rotten), and of course,seven months of seeing Mom a lot less, and babysitters a lot more was hard on all of us-there were a couple I really didn't like, and I don't think they liked me either-and everything was off schedule and out of whack. Anyway, I got up one morning and he was dying, and several of us were right there watching, and I don't know how we would have made it if we hadn't known that he had trusted Christ for his salvation, and that he was going to heaven. It was a hard time for those of us still here, of course, but God used his testimony to bring at least fifteen people to Himself. Josh had said earlier in his sickness that if one person got saved because of his testimony it would be worth all of it, and called his a win/win situation-either stay here and serve the LORD, or go to heaven and be with Him. One of te people that was reported to have been saved was a neighborhood friend of Josh's, with whom he had already shared the Gospel - you're a sinner, you need to repent and ask Jesus to save you - but until this happened to Josh, he had never listened. God can take the suffering in our lives and use it for our good and His glory if we're willing to let Him.
All this to say, I understand perfctly that it's not easy losing someone close to you, but trust God and He'll use it for the best. I'll pray for you and the family, stay close to each other, and most of all, to the LORD.

''All things work together for good to those that love God and who are called according to His purpose'' Romans 8:28

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