I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Lost a broody chicken to another coon. So I decided to move 2 chickens and 2 ducks to my sil house. I have another broody sitting on 9 eggs that we moved out to the garage. No matter how hard we try to keep the coon proof they keep finding a way in. As of now I have 2 traps set and baited we shall see what tonight brings ....
Shoot at this point I can have a hat a fur coat and some coon chaps lol......
Dress up in all that and walk a night tour.....all the coons will run for their lives and never come back!!
Giant Mutant Coon...walks on hind legs!!! hahaha
Zombie Coon!!!
Sorry for your coon troubles - sounds like you're still infested with the bloody things! Grrr! I have 3 mamas with their chicks right now running loose during the day. No worries, I have 1 or 2 dogs that are out patrolling all day. Nothing has tried to get in coop yet. I have lazy preds I guess, or coop is just that well built.

Looking forward to pics! Trying to get hubby to modify my trap so I can set it up again. Caught 3 coons together on cam in middle of night. Oye!
Another one bites the dust! My daughter came in from letting the chickens out this morning and I heard "Ha haaa!!! Get the 22 daddy!" She loves her chickens...
I'm down here in Texas, where it's hot as Hades down here.. well, I've never been to Hades.. but.. you get the idea. I haven't caught much lately since it's gotten so hot. Caught a fiesty little possum the other day... Last coon I got was maybe 3 weeks ago... a mama it looked like, as she was full of milk. Poor babies. (not) - I haven't lost anymore chickens since I put that live trap out there... although I'm not doing a victory dance... I know there is ALWAYS a chance. I"m feeding those buzzards out behind my property, though! have my own little boneyard out there. Let's Get those Buggers!!!

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