I could lose my land for growing food!!

Re: Snopes

The section that mentions it would be a "stretch" to extrapolate the language of the bill to personal use is notable to me. The language of the bill does not specifically give protections to private citizens raising food for their own personal use. Therein lies the problem.

If the language does not specify protections given to personal use, then anyone could be in trouble. All it would take would be one lone judge somewhere to extrapolate that particular section of the bill to include anyone raising food for consumption, personal or otherwise.
i just saw this post i think its crazy i dont think anyone can stop me from growing veggies or fruits for my family now when they lower prices on food and GAS to get to it maybe we can work something out but until then no one is going to tell me how i can and cant live my life. this is just my opinion.
You have to remember that the less gas you use, the less fuel taxes the fed collects. This is a huge revenue loss for the federal and state governments. This is how taxes are raised on the less than 250 grand club. This is why the cash for clunkers instead of investing in the production of EV to the public now. Also raising chickens and food at home is also cutting into tax revenue, hence the option for inspections of anyone cultivating or raising food, without warrant. Also in dire times it leaves the option for Uncle Sam to spread the food by confiscation for any reason or no reason.

BTW from what I understand the jet used during the campaign was a repainted ADM company jet.
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Actually after speaking to our reps (state and feds) office today for an update on these bills, the language in most any bill is written somewhat vaguely and the SPECIFICS are left to the regulatory agencies ala EPA, HHS, etc...
The fed guy I talked to would not be specific with any question, "how would this affect farmers markets", how would this affect home owners selling crops at farmers markets" The only somwhat answer I could deduce from his vague replies was that REGULATIONS would govern the outcome of the legislation if passed.
"So a non elected federal employee somewhere working for the epa who gets taken out to an elaborate dinner by a rep from tyson or cargill could infuence the REGULATIONS?" answer:
"that could be one deduction, yes" Thank you and hang up
Call state rep office. Again for more information.
Asked for and got the same person I talked to last time. The state "voluntary" regs are still being written to comply with FED REGULATORY AGENCIES of what they would assume those to be. He would again not be specific. I posed the same questions as above. The reply was "as being written or proposed, these would require paperwork to be filled out for tracking purposes as to the food source"
"So if I were to go to the local farmenrs market to sell produce or eggs then I would need to have this paperwork filled out by the consumer" Answer: possibly
"So I could possibly have to have insurance if there were a type of insurance for this sale?" Answer: possibly
"What if I gave some tomatoes to a neighbor from my garden"
Answer: That I couldn't tell you
Reply: just like the "voluntary" restrictions above that are left to gov regs and lawyers I suppose...
Answer: This is all still supposition at this point and all current propsals to the state regulations would be voluntary.
Reply: Now we are talking political speak and you people work for me and my fellow constituents. As we are in a rural area you do know that if rep ******** votes for this in any way could you imagine the town hall meeting???
Answer: You should call your fed rep and voice your opinion.
Reply: Done that, been to the town hall, call each week, etc... that is why I am calling your office.
Answer: as you know rep ******** works for his constituents.
Reply: We are follwing ths very very closely and he should be working to oppose any regs written that add extra costs to his constituents. This whole thing pisses me off and I don't mind telling you.
Answer: That is the majority of our calls each day, people who are upset at proposed legislation from the federal and state gov.
Reply: You should be in retail, we have conversations with our cutomers everyday on what you people are trying to do to us. Our tax appraiser had to move out of town since the last appraisal tax increases. Ours went up 80% and 90% of all appraisals are being contested. People are talking revolt man, cold dead hands type of talk I hope you know this.
Answer: I hope that you continue to support rep *********
Reply: I do not trust ANY person running for any office no matter the political affiliation.
Answer: Have a nice day click...

Actually after speaking to our reps (state and feds) office today for an update on these bills, the language in most any bill is written somewhat vaguely and the SPECIFICS are left to the regulatory agencies ala EPA, HHS, etc...
The fed guy I talked to would not be specific with any question, "how would this affect farmers markets", how would this affect home owners selling crops at farmers markets" The only somwhat answer I could deduce from his vague replies was that REGULATIONS would govern the outcome of the legislation if passed.
"So a non elected federal employee somewhere working for the epa who gets taken out to an elaborate dinner by a rep from tyson or cargill could infuence the REGULATIONS?" answer:
"that could be one deduction, yes" Thank you and hang up
Call state rep office. Again for more information.
Asked for and got the same person I talked to last time. The state "voluntary" regs are still being written to comply with FED REGULATORY AGENCIES of what they would assume those to be. He would again not be specific. I posed the same questions as above. The reply was "as being written or proposed, these would require paperwork to be filled out for tracking purposes as to the food source"
"So if I were to go to the local farmenrs market to sell produce or eggs then I would need to have this paperwork filled out by the consumer" Answer: possibly
"So I could possibly have to have insurance if there were a type of insurance for this sale?" Answer: possibly
"What if I gave some tomatoes to a neighbor from my garden"
Answer: That I couldn't tell you
Reply: just like the "voluntary" restrictions above that are left to gov regs and lawyers I suppose...
Answer: This is all still supposition at this point and all current propsals to the state regulations would be voluntary.
Reply: Now we are talking political speak and you people work for me and my fellow constituents. As we are in a rural area you do know that if rep ******** votes for this in any way could you imagine the town hall meeting???
Answer: You should call your fed rep and voice your opinion.
Reply: Done that, been to the town hall, call each week, etc... that is why I am calling your office.
Answer: as you know rep ******** works for his constituents.
Reply: We are follwing ths very very closely and he should be working to oppose any regs written that add extra costs to his constituents. This whole thing pisses me off and I don't mind telling you.
Answer: That is the majority of our calls each day, people who are upset at proposed legislation from the federal and state gov.
Reply: You should be in retail, we have conversations with our cutomers everyday on what you people are trying to do to us. Our tax appraiser had to move out of town since the last appraisal tax increases. Ours went up 80% and 90% of all appraisals are being contested. People are talking revolt man, cold dead hands type of talk I hope you know this.
Answer: I hope that you continue to support rep *********
Reply: I do not trust ANY person running for any office no matter the political affiliation.
Answer: Have a nice day click...

Sounds like he was well versed...like he's trying to brush you under the rug... problem is, he's just sitting there answering a phone, doing his job, collecting his check, not really paying attention to what is going on.
Aaaww, The allmighty dollar.......

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