I take my waters to the water in a garden wagon. The one like the garden centers use. Then i can clean them out before I fill them. any water that would slosh out falls through the wire mesh of the wagon and I stay dry and fill 3 waters at a time. My main barn keeps warm enough just from the body heat of my chickens that I don't have to heat the waters,ever when it gets below 0. Unless i forget to close the window.
What trooper yall are. I am down in sunny Florida where a cold night is the upper 30s. The closed top containers seems like the winner in this discussion. Good luck with the weather!

I actually went out today and bout two ten gallon gas cans for my chicken water this winter. Thanks again for the great idea. I couldnt find a garden cart--wrong time of year, I guess--but I will get one in the spring! It is snowing here today and supposed to be 6 degrees tomorrow. I will try it out and let you know!!!

Thanks sooooo much for the great ideas!;
Try an outlet center for the cart. They some time have out of season stuff. Mine came from a farm/lumber store. I aslo use a 40 gallon blue barrol with a cover that stays in the barn. That I use to fill the pop bottle waters.
Yup, they pull great. It's the big wide tires. a little wagon dosen't work as well. I froze the axle once and the whole wheel fell off:confused:. and I couldn't fix it. Had to carry water the rest of the winter.

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