I do not understand people! and how they can lie.

I can house my chickens in a movable structure. With little effort.

I was planning on building one anyway.

Thinking I have no problems with owning chickens. I have 8 in the incubator ready to hatch any day now. They are frizzled polish. and I was going to build a small coop for them, that I could move around the yard.

Oh bother ... may as well tell all..... lol
I have another 6 on order from Ideal. Due to come late August.

Don't get me wrong ... they are not ALL for me ... it would be to many ...lol

And housing them in the freezer ... WELL I can't do it.
We have strict building codes even though we are rural. However, most of us get around it by having buildings on skids.

Yup. Same here. Avoided zoning by putting my shed on skids. Since Colorado is pretty dry, the skids rotting isn't a big issue.​
You all are so wonderful.

I'm a City Girl with a Country back ground.
I'm prepared to fight back the right way.
Just needed to know some of the rules here in the STATES. Sorry I'm CANADIAN. I know the rules there.

The other problem is, its a rule community with not a lot of protocol in place. (at least I'm finding that out, No one seems to answer basic questions well)

I have no intentions of giving up my chickens.

LOL Plan B:
Convert old coal bin, in the basement. Into housing for the chickens. It's 5 x 5 feet and almost to the ceiling. With a door to outside ...lol
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Do not dismantle your chicken house just because that official told you to. Find out exactly what his title is, what his duties are, and exactly what authority, if any, he has. Some people just like to throw their weight around. He cannot make you get rid of your chicken house without written authority. What is he going to do? Take you to jail? And if so he has to have a copy of the law you are supposedly breaking. Since he insists that the other people you talked to were wrong, ask him to prove it. If I were you I would go down to city hall and demand a copy of the relevant laws. If they stall you, borrow some toddlers and tell them you will just wait. Nothing like some screaming toddlers in an office to make things get done so they can get you out of there.
You said something awhile back about having a lawyer. What is your lawyer telling you?

Do you have someone with zoning experience representing you?

If your town is not incorporated, you fall under the county or township. Whether or not you are in something that looks like a "town" is therefore irrelevant. There is no "town". You are treated the same as if you are out in the country. Some states do not allow townships to zone, leaving that up to the county.
Well you have gotten some great and useful advise. This definitely is a great site. Sorry you're having to deal with local politics. Face it the people who run for small town governments have no training for the positions and really don't know what they are doing in most cases. Good luck in dealing with them. Hopefully you won't have to spend any of your own money fighting your own tax dollars because of the poorly trained officials. I'd be complaining on why anyone in the police department is having to spend their time on serving these notices.
We have a prepaid legal service. So we are able to use it without an expense to ourselves.
Today and Tomorrow we are getting the data needed, to get the legal advise needed. We have asked for an extension to the chicken order.

In the documentation I received today. their is no ordinance stating I can have chickens, at the same time their is no ordinance stating I can't. This is why we want a lawyer to advise us.

I want a clear Judgment given. Not yes ... oh NO! ...oh maybe ... oh NO! Here is what you have to do or we will ticket you.
It makes no sense. They seem to be making up the rules as they go along.
Their is a law or their isn't. Not well we think so you have to.

At the same time their isn't anything that states you can or can not have a pet, So can we have a dog? I do not know. What is classified as a pet?
Dogs, Cats, Chickens, Snakes, Alligator, pig, Rat ?????
What classifies one animal better than another?
My chickens are very therapeutic to me If they weren't .... Who knows what I would have done today!
Could I be rearing them as Service animals? YES they service me with eggs. (or soon will be they are a bit young yet.)

I have a million and one things in my head and trying to get them all out. Some silly and others very legitimate.

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