I don't like my feeder. Show me yours.

For my breeders I use half or gallon plastic jug - with two holes cut in, and enough extra plastic left on the bottom edge that it can be bent in to prevent them from flipping feed out. Set it up with bricks or tie to your run with wire.
That's what I have and the waste is incredible. But I don't hang it. I told hubby I wanted to make one instead and he was all for it.
Holy cow. I knew my girls were wasting alot. We are going through 50lbs every two weeks for 9 ladies. When I talked to my hubby about making one I told him we both commented "they are wasting alot" at the same time. So I told him that I posted asking for pics of feeders and he without hesitating said we will make them a better feeder. Also I was thinking of getting some cracked corn to add during the winter months for a little extra fat on them to keep warm. All our outside pets naturally bulk up during the winter so I'm guessing a little on the ladies would be ok.

Thank everyone. Great pics and info.
I've been using this one for several months now, all from a plastic gutter and used PVC pipes, will last over a week if filled full for 13 girls and zero waste and can be placed along any wall. We have it sitting on 2 concrete blocks which are at the girls shoulder height.

As stated above, the trick is to keep the feeder at or just above shoulder height. That way they can eat it but not easily enough to pick and choose bits and 'flick' the rest out of the feeder.

Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) Gardening zone 5a - 4b in south-est, central-est Wisconsin
Yep whatever we make will be on a block or raised up and on bricks. I dig my chickens. If I can get the waste down I will stop thinking about butchering the ones that only lays twice a week. She's one of my two that lay a green egg and we call her eggs torpedos because they are long and skinny. The yolks are normal sized but the egg shape is just funny.

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