I don't want a mower, and I actually LIKE animals


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 11, 2014
1/2 acre in the wet pacific nw. Fully fenced with dogs occasionally going out to play on it. What would you put there? I don't want to buy a mower for a year and then have to sell it/throw it away because of moving (it's not possible to take it with us because it's not my choice).

Live your tiny farm fantasies in this thread. It's in the boondocks too, so no "no you can't have chickens" out there. If I don't know how to care for it and it sounds interesting, I'm happy to learn. I have quail, chickens, ducks and/or geese planned but in small quantity. Something that's easy to clean up after is ideal.

I'm thinking guinea pigs (in a predator-safe tractor) or perhaps miniature goats or donkeys.
Oh! OK. Well. I'd put chickens in there. They are really great mowers!
Chickens aren't as messy as gees or ducks. I've never had goats before, but I've read about them and they don't really graze. (I want one eventually)
Donkeys might work. I don't know much about them though.
Anyway! I hope the best on your animal adventure!
I've never had goats before, but I've read about them and they don't really graze.

They don't graze in the traditional sense but if confined to a fenced area they will mow it down eventually, but they will still be picky and eat what they like first before turning to the less liked stuff and flat out ignoring some things so you won' get a clean 'mowing'...

In my primary grazing pasture I let the grass grow to about 18" before I let the goats and llamas out to graze for the summer... Right now about 75% of that pasture is mowed down to about 6" but there are patches of stuff they obviously don't like and they never touched...
I really love goats. If I could I would probably get like 3 lamanchas. They tend to be friendly, happy little buggers that can double as pack animals.

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