I feel so bad for her, She has resorted to begging!


I Am THE Crazy Duck Lady
11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
I posted about two of my ducks being attacked by a dog, one being my 9 y/0 drake. Well when I let him out of his night time hutch ( he and the female that were attacked are being kept put up at night for safety) to free range with my 6 girls immediantly they all made a circle around him and I had to plug my ears from the welcoming chorus!

What amazed me was that my magpie got down on her belly and into a mating position! Ive seen my buff do this for him ( and him only ) and I just think it is so sweet! He has a crippled foot/leg from a turtle trap and his bill is a little mishappen from being shot with a BB gun, so sometimes the old geezer has trouble. And now he has multiple wounds from a dog ( all healing very nicely)

I thought it was really sweet that they do this for him, since when I had my other two drakes they would run and fly away. But then again its really sad for some reason. Not sure why. Ive been planning on getting another drake or two since I will soon have a bator that needs filling. Should I just get one boy? Or :
I have three ducklings I am keeping from my last hatch they are mag crosses and a cayuga cross. That means that they are not relaed to 5 of the seven girls ( might be six because the attacked cayuga is not doing to well) . So should I just wait and see if one of them becomes a drake or should I go ahead and get a mature drake for my flock? i dont want to wait exactly for my babies to grow up though.

She did it agian today. As soon as I let monty down she got on her belly. But he just walked over her
So she went on got in front of him, assuming the position, and he walked over her again. I feel bad for her now, Its like she has started begging to be mated with!
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i dont know what to say:/ if you dont wanna wait then get another drake but carfull because you will need to keep him away from your flock for a mth anyway and you dont wanna end up with to many drakes in the end.
good luck

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