I feel so bad, I swore at my kids today.

Thanks everyone for your replies, now I don't feel like the worst mom in the world anymore
!! I know that they can be trying, and drive you crazy, but someday you will miss it, is what my Mom always says.
No where NEAR the worst mother in the world....sadly, I have unloaded more than once on my kids. I swear a true jury of my peers (other frustrated mothers) would never convict me if pulled their toe nails out one by one someday...
The fact that you feel bad about it makes you a better parent! Don't be too hard on yourself. They are old enough that you can explain to them that you were sorry and why it is wrong to say those words. They'll understand and then forget about it! Maybe if your lucky, it scared them enough to stop for awhile!
Don't beat yourself up. Your a great mom! I have a 14 year old with ADHD and explosive anger disorder and 8 yr old twins that love to torment him. I feel like I am living with the Exorcist sometimes. Actually, I am surprised my kids still have teeth sometimes.
Just Kidding, I would never harm my children, but I do have my bluff in on them for now.

It could be that they are jealous of the baby? That is alot of my son's problem. He is so jealous of his sisters. They can't even look at him without him drawing out fangs. They do not know that we love each of them equally.

Just let them know that they are just as important and loved as much as the baby. My son couldn't understand why I had to spend so much time, feeding them, changing diapers, etc etc.
I wish they had of came out self sufficient, but that just didn't happen.

We all swear every now and then. Just let it roll off your back.
i don't think you should feel terrible about it. lol. i have unloaded on my kids.

they are five years apart and are always fighting. over a chair, over a book. anything and everything. and if i let the four letter words fly. they go into their room and i have some peace for a little while. and i have apologized but i don't think that is entirely needed either. sometimes it's good to let them know how you feel.
good luck. and good parenting.
I don't swear ever but if I ever did I bet my kids would fall over and it would be a way to calm them! LOL But my suggestion to you and it always worked for us...it so take everything they care about away. NO WII (or whatever gaming unit you have) NO tv, NO DOOR to their room. Until they start earning these things back and can behave themselves. I really does work and be sure to do it calmly and explain why and what's going to need to happen to earn these things back! If they see your out of control they will feed on that.
If you didn't occasional lose your mouth filter, how would your kids learn how to curse properly? They'd end up like Shia Lebeuf in "I, Robot". You don't want that, do you?

Seriously, though. It sounds like you are doing just fine.

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