I feel so dumb :(


10 Years
May 28, 2009
So the other morning, I was in a hurry to go to the grange and bake pies for our local festival. Apparently, I forgot to latch the gate to the chicken run when I went out. My hands were full and I didn't go back.

Well, the dog run is right next to the chicken run. You have to go through the dog run to get to the gate to the chicken run. This is normally really good since the dogs can ward off any predators. Not this time. This time, the dogs were the predators.

My dad came over to check on things and noticed that the dogs were in the chicken run and all the chickens were in the dog run. Really weird and hawks could have come down to get them since there's no netting on the dog run.

So when he went to switch them back, he found the dogs fighting over one of my black sex-links, Eva. There were feathers everywhere and they were having a tug-o-war with her... and she was still alive but barely. He put her out of her misery and took care of her before I got home...

I just feel so bad for having left the gate open. It could have been much worse. They could have killed more chickens (I had 16 total, now 15)... or could have gotten one of my favorites. I liked Eva, but she wasn't one of my special ones. You know how that is...

Thank goodness your Dad got there when he did! Try not to beat yourself up over this; it was an honest mistake - happens to everyone. And you are right - it could have been must worse. Chickens are alot like kids - you try your best to make sure they are safe and well taken care of, but you cannot be with them 24/7/365. I am sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry!

This might help: Put an extra tie or hook on the gate. I have one--it's made out of a piece of old dog chain and a spring hook. I KNOW that when the spring hook is latched to the chain that I have DEFINITELY closed up the gate to the chickens.

I cannot remember HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE:
--left a gate open
--left the hose (to fill the water tank) running
--left the grain room open
because I have done it SO OFTEN!!!!!!

ALSO, see if you can get your birds fed for a whole day in the evenings, so that you just "count heads and feathers" in the morning without entering the coop and run.

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