I got a really cool scam in the mail the other day!

But you gave them your address, or at least verified it was your address, and my concern is that you gave them other info as well since you said you filled out their form.

Everyone needs to know that these people can do serious harm. Please don't click on their e-mails, which gives them your ISP, and don't respond to automatic phone calls (hang up immediately) and don't ever fill out anything.
That happened to my aunt Susan a few years ago. She'd just gotten her check cashed at a conveniece store. Stuck the cash in her wallet and her wallet down in her purse, purse on her shoulder.

She walked out of the store, and some man came up behind her, stuck his hand in her purse, snatched her wallet out and took off running. Of course, she called the police immediately, but she only ever saw the back of the guy, so couldn't give a good description. They never caught him.

That makes me very careful with my purse. I always have it closed up tight and clutched tightly under my arm. (Or just leave it locked in the glove box of the car if I can.)

Too funny, that one about raising a prince. I've never seen it. I, too, have plenty of boys already, tho.

He just acts like one.

I think it would be great to send them $139 in Monopoly money!
How's that for a right back at ya?!?! Who knows, they might even be stupid enough to take it!
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Nice. Sometimes on fill out forms that are sent via mail, I fill them out with bogus info and then shred them. LOL

As for purses, they seem so vulnerable. I put my wallet and belongings in my pants pockets (mens cargo pants usually). I figure that nobody's gong to steal my pants so I should be good.
There are not many that do so anymore but I loved taking the enclosed self addressed postage paid return envolope, taping it onyo a bigger old manila one and filling it with as much heavy stuff as I could. Say corn or sand. some of those buggers MUST have cost $20 in return postage to them...
In college I majored in minor (thanks carrie)

(I got a PhD in religion and religious philosophy, Masters of Divinity, Stop picking on me or get the lightning bolts!) LOL!!!

They already have my address because they are the same "company" that Kevin Trudeau comes from. I ordered his book "Natural Cures 'THEY' don't want you to know about"

Trust me, Im a bit of a geek myself and can find all sorts of info if I really wanted to.

Anyway, they are a subsidiary and they share information.
Everybody that has a phone book has my address anyway, What are they going to do? Send me a letter?

There's enough personal information out there about EVERYBODY to keep you up nights.
A novice can get LOADS of info with just $5.00 at your local public records office.

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