I Got Impaled by a Hawk While Saving my Chicken!

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It was pretty dang crazy running outside and seeing my daughter in a death grip with a huge Red Tailed Hawk!

Pulling the hawk's talons out of her flesh was pretty intense! That thing was NOT going to let go! While prying it's claws apart, it dug into the tip of my finger... but not anywhere as bad as how deep it was into @RabbitGirl's palm!

I'll be honest, once I could ascertain that things weren't getting worse with her, the hawk, the chickens, etc., I was VERY tempted to pause and get my phone to take a pic.

... I mean, I'm pretty sure @RabbitGirl would have loved to share some super crazy pics of her talon-holding-hands with a giant hawk hanging upside down!
Awesome job ... BOTH of you (and Mom, too, of course!) While you're probably right about not needing the emergency room tonight, I highly recommend an appointment with the family doctor in the morning. There are many, many nerves and tendons in the human hand, any one of which can (and usually is) very painful when pierced. If you wait until signs of infection appear, you've waited too long. Recovery will be much more painful. At the very least, anti-inflammatory meds can help. Painkillers and antibiotics may also be in order. Trust me on this one ... been there, done that ... only with a temperamental African Grey parrot. Please, keep after that hand!

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