I had my feelings hurt today...

Take yourself over to their home and introduce yourselves with a homemade pie or cake. You could also have a bbq or something and invite your neighbors (including the ones that supposebly like you). Remember you've never actually met these ppl (if I'm reading correctly) your just going by hearsay. Get to know your neighbors and then form your own opinion.

I second this.....you can always throw in how you know some people they know...
..and that word travels in a small town!​
Hmmmmm someone passed on this information that they don't like you?

I wouldn't put any energy into gossip like that.....
We don't get along with our closest neighbors either. The ones accross the way we do, they come over and visit now and then, and feed my chickens when I'm away.

But the others.... It was the day before 4th of July last year, and we were legally (had a permit, even) shooting off some bottle rockets. It was 8pm, still light out even. The neighbor woman came over just Screaming at us. We showed her the permit, and she went on and on about how she didnt care and we needed to stop right away.

The following day, we did a firework display for our grandkid. She called the police. They came, we showed them our permit, and they told us to carry on.

Her husband is really femmy, there's no doubt who wears the pants in that house. My husband calls her the wicked witch of the south.
When we lived in Sacramento we had a neighbor who really didn't like us - no idea why. I always smilled and waved and said hello and they would mumble something (probably **** off). We decided to paint our house and chose an adobe colour w/turquoise blue trim - definitely stood out as all the other houses were white or tan. I was home one day with the windows open and our neighbor was talking with someone saying how our house looked like **** and someone should tell us off for painting it such a horrid colour, etc. I walked out onto the porch and, with a smile, sweetly said "Well, YOU could always tell us!" Should have seen the look on his face
I still smile when I think of it!

Anyway, I agree with whomever said be cautious of others saying they don't like you. Go to the neighbors who don't like your dogs and say something like "When we first moved here I know our dogs got out a few times and I heard that it was upsetting to you. I was wondering if they had caused some kind of damage or harrassed your animals, and if so I want to apologize." And a "We want to get to know you" BBQ would be great. If the neighbors who supposedly don't like you don't show up, the next time you see them tell them how disappointed you were they didn't come because you had so looked forward to getting to know them. After that, you've tried, and there really is nothing more you can do. Your other neighbors will know you extended an olive branch and who turned it down. Now - go enjoy your beautiful place!
have they lived in the area for generations? We found that some folks resent we "city" folks coming out and buying up land in the county. Just be nice, offer to help if they go out of town, make sure your animals and kids respect their property, and they will either come around or not.

don't worry about what others tell you. I would go over and introduce yourself, and apologize that it has taken so long. Sometimes its just the unknown that people don't like. eventually you will either win them over or not. not much you can do but be decent to them

good luck!

The person who told me was "my one friend" in this town. She said she struggled with telling me this, but decided to, and her reasoning was this-- She didn't want to keep it from me, because if i found out at a later date, (which I was bound to by the way this lady is going off,) and came to her with it, she thought I would be mad if she knew but didn't tell me.

I'm sort of upset that she did tell me, but I can justify why she did. She felt like she was keeping a big secret from me. And she heard it right from the horses mouth, so to speak. She now feels like crap b/c she did tell me. And I feel like crap b/c she told me. And I toss around whether it would be better to not know, or to know. I'm still undecided on that, othr than knowing i need to keep my dogs safe.
You mustn't go starting any wars or anything.... and really don't listen to stories.

When I started at my current job, a few of the girls WARNED me about one of the other managers, said he was grumpy, never smiled, was mean etc.......
I got to know the guy - and he's the funniest person at my work, very generous and just a real GOOD GUY - I've never seen him being grumpy - not ONCE!.... So don't believe everything everyone tells you - go meet the people and decide for yourself!

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