I hate coyotes!!

. I will take a pack of coyotes over a pack of wolves anyday, and as the ecosystem needs a predator, coyotes it is. But their population does need to be controlled.
I care for none of the canine predators be they wolves, coyotes, foxes or wild or feral dogs. However, that said, from reading, not personal knowledge, the consensus seems to be that wolves are actually shyer and will stay more away from people. Coyotes will move right into the cities and suburbs among people and are less afraid of them so they are actually the more dangerous.
Just had one visit us the other morning. We had one kill a couple chickens (two separate times) in the summer during the day since our chickens free range. Some ppl told me they won't attack during the day but they did ours... and strangely we haven't had any coyote attacks since then (knock on wood). I'm sure some of them live behind us in the woods because we can hear them yelping some nights and it drives the neighborhood dogs mad... But I've only ever seen one, not the pack... though at night it sounds like there are a whole lot more. Guess with the weather changing, food must be more scarce so they've come back to check things out?

   I care for none of the canine predators be they wolves, coyotes, foxes or wild or feral dogs.  However, that said, from reading, not personal knowledge, the consensus seems to be that wolves are actually shyer and will stay more away from people.  Coyotes will move right into the cities and suburbs among people and are less afraid of them so they are actually the more dangerous.

I will agree with you there, coyotes, due to their lack of fear are in some ways more dangerous. However I live in a fairly remote area, we raise cattle, So wolves would be a bigger problem.
I do not want to suggest that I like any predator, Mountain Lions are becoming a greater problem around here, they are just a nessisary evil.
Its that time of year you can probably get a fur harvesters licence and take care of the problem. You don't have to have live bait just something stinky enough to draw them into range.
BTW I have seen a cat first hand protect a chicken. One of my parents hens got out and wandered to far from the coop and their big tom cat made her go back to the coop not once but twice. We thought the first time was a fluke but them he did it again
I'm going to have to call bs on this.

I'm calling BS on this.  Yotes do not run in packs that large.  It's rare you'll find more than half dozen running together.  I have decades of coyote calling experience.

Maybe where you live. But you shouldn't generalize about all coyotes everywhere. There is a pack of 16 that lives in the woods at the back of our property. My neighbor went out at 2am to find his cat and they were all standing there when his security light went on and he had time to count them because they didn't run. He even went and got his gun and they didn't take off until her started shooting. I've only seen groups of two together, but I wouldn't say that not more than two coyotes ever run together because that's all I've ever seen myself.
Where i live we have a pack of about 5-6 that hunt domestic dogs,cats ect in a pack only at night. Like a bunch of hienas they go crazy when they attack you can hear when they are attacking an in for the kill. Then bam it goes dead silent when they feeding.
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