I hate raccoons

I use a trap called the "Lil Grizz Getter". I use these because I have dogs that I do not want to catch and these traps are virtually dog proof. Just stuff a marshmallow in the trap, set it and wait for the raccoon. If you use this or a similar set up you will have to be prepared to dispatch the raccoon. In my state that is pretty much the law as I understand it. I have all of my traps (3) set within 10 foot of the coop so I am only catching those with more than a passing interest for the most part. Since I live out in the country I figure that if they get that close to the coop they have bad intentions. The down side of these traps are that they are raccoon specific, so if you are not sure what the predator these may not work. I hope this helps. Sorry for your loss, unfortunately many of us here know all to well how you are feeling.

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