Hi again! Sorry about that, I was called away for something. I've probably missed all the conversation now...

Sumi, I'm in SA, but it's a different SA to you!

cool!!!!!!!! I have.......... black and mottle javas, buff orps, splash cochins, salmon favos, EEs, BR turkeys and narr turkeys.
LittleLady, so go to sleep...

Java Girl... wow! That's a lot of breeds! I'm working towards getting more breeds, but I'm kind of constrained for funds at the moment. I'm branching out on my own chicken-wise and getting breeds my father wouldn't normally get (he's an ISA Brown sort of guy).

Slightly awkward thing, my sister just called me out to identify the breed of a chicken on one of the TV shows she's watching. Umm... can I tell her I don't know? I guessed, there were all sorts of breeds it could have been and I'm not expert...
Hello again. It's 11:28 Africa time. I'm losing track of who's in yesterday and who's in today here!
Got the car tire changed and thankfully the spare was o.k. But then the car wouldn't start
But we got her going and went shopping. Heaven knows things are getting expensive now. Self sufficiency never looked this good. I just wish we could grow coffee, sugar, rice...

I'm staying well away from chicken breeds. I have about 90 chickens at the moment, more due to hatch Tuesday, and I think I have about as many varieties. I started of with some unknown "farm chickens", added some RiR crosses, had a super broody hen that went with everyone from my Mil's bantams to the rooster across the road (that's why the chicken crossed the road, in case you were wondering) and I ended up with some very interesting chickens there. Added a bunch of battery hens who's eggs we were hatching and we now have Allsorts chickens. It's an African breed... All you do is let your chickens run loose for awhile around neighbours who also have chickens.
Hello again. It's 11:28 Africa time. I'm losing track of who's in yesterday and who's in today here!
Got the car tire changed and thankfully the spare was o.k. But then the car wouldn't start
But we got her going and went shopping. Heaven knows things are getting expensive now. Self sufficiency never looked this good. I just wish we could grow coffee, sugar, rice...

I'm staying well away from chicken breeds. I have about 90 chickens at the moment, more due to hatch Tuesday, and I think I have about as many varieties. I started of with some unknown "farm chickens", added some RiR crosses, had a super broody hen that went with everyone from my Mil's bantams to the rooster across the road (that's why the chicken crossed the road, in case you were wondering) and I ended up with some very interesting chickens there. Added a bunch of battery hens who's eggs we were hatching and we now have Allsorts chickens. It's an African breed... All you do is let your chickens run loose for awhile around neighbours who also have chickens.

I am part of a hatch-a-long that is starting today and just put the finishing touches on my home made incubator!!!!!!!!!!
Lovely! Did the incubator hatch thing for awhile with another guy. He's doing it by himself now and I'm letting the hens hatch chicks when they get broody. Looks like we're moving soon, so I don't want to get too many more chickens now. Going to get rid of quite a few anyway, mostly hens that aren't doing their bit. I didn't have much joy with home-made incubators. Maybe we should've just built it ourselves... We still got one sitting in our lounge, gathering dust.
I've got two broody hens sitting now, mom and daughter, and they are due Tuesday and Wednesday. Knowing chicks that could mean any day from tomorrow.
I got to be at work in less than an hour, so I guess I'd better get moving. I know what I'd rather be doing. *sigh*
Am working tomorrow morning, so I probably won't be around for a chat, but I'll check in tonight after work.

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