I hate this time of year, not talking about the holidays

I have an A frame run, which is a witch to get around inside of, but it's proven its worth this winter - I covered it with plastic, leaving openings on the ends for ventilation, and it's dry as a bone in there. Plus it has a greenhouse effect when it's sunny and the chickens love that.

Otherwise, yep, I'd be out there shoveling the run too.
We've had some hard freezes so far but by 9 am it's warmer and I'm at school so I can't water then. I have to do it all when I get home and most days I'm here with students with until almost 5pm. The other day I had to break the ice with a rake and one of the chickens had jumped on the ice just as I whacked it so I had a cold wet chicken to contend with,, I wrapped it in a towel and it came to class with me where it spent the day being spoiled rotten by all the kids. I know if I get home late they are roosting and don't want to come down to eat so feel bad they didn't get dinner in time.
And I thought I was the only person that got excited about that.
I've already started picking out what veggies I'm going to be growing next year.
Its about -17 degrees C here right now, at least the coops are heated. The cold doesnt bother me though, I guess that comes with being used to our cold winters
For the past 2 night I had totally forgot how much trouble it is when the temps go down! Trying to get everyone fed\\watered before 4:30 , then after they got roost , shut off the main water and drain the auto waterers, stretch out the water hoses downhill and drain them, reverse all that if temps are up the next morning, then do it all over again...I hate this time of year also. To top it all off, I am my ears cannot seem to take the cold wind anymore, I get severe ear aches.So I have to bundle them up as if I lived in Michigan
I've got all the problems as everyone else with short days, frozen waterers and such plus I'm having to repair roofs and fix pens due to storms we had here two weeks ago. Worked on it all day yesterday and going to go back to it today as soon as I can talk myself into going out there (It's still only in the 20's). I don't think I'll get warm again until around March.
I felt that way on Monday when I got called in for jury duty. It was 32 when I left the house. Got to the courthouse only to discover the courtroom I was to report to had no heat! A suit coat and tie does not keep the body warm. Everyone in there shivered the whole morning.

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