I have 28 hens... I sold 5 doz eggs this morning... guess what?


11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
I went to go to the egg fridge to get eggs to make a quiche and banana bread... I have no eggs... had to send hubby to the store for eggs
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I know i am hoping i wont notice the difference since they are not right in front of my face they are for baking and quiche...

pffffft yeah right who am I trying to kid

and heres the worse part... we were at a small poultry auction last night and they had 14 doz eggs up for grabs and the top bid was 1.50 a doz and i told hubby to pass on them because we didnt need them... then i come home to an email from one of my regulars saying she needed all I had she was going to make her rounds (she buys for her family too).. It works for me cause i dont have to worry about different buyers... she takes all she can get..lol
That's what I do. Store bought eggs have the most ridiculously pale and small yolks -- it's crazy! I haven't actually eaten a store bought egg in like 6 years, so I can't really compare their flavor. We use them in baking.
We've had more than one occasion when the planets lined up and a good customer had to wait a day to get their dozen. Needless to say, we have often had to delay our own desires for a day. Usually, no big deal. We never guy store eggs. Unthinkable.

Sometimes, I've even put a customer's order on a one day delay because I've gotten the word, in advance, from the boss that she needs a half dozen eggs for a certain recipe.

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