I Have a Feeling I Know the Answer to My Question

They are sex links....there is no question of their sex...they are both pullets because they are both the same color.....red sex link cockrels are white..

I had a red sex ling (gold buff, gold star, etc) that also had a prominent comb and was twice the size of the other chicks..if she hadn't been a sex link I would have thought she was a rooster....but she's a pullet and she lays eggs.
This lady has a very red face.....I knew that! How and why did I forget that??? I am so new to all of this that I think I let my know-everythingness overshadow my know-nothingness! I just looked back through my order and I did indeed order "Red Stars", as they are called from the hatchery I bought them from. I ordered 5 Red Stars, and I'll bet any money the reason that one of my "Buff Orpingtons" doesn't look like a "Buff Orpington" is because HE'S a Red Star too. Oh, for heaven's sake!! Why would anybody in their right mind send chicks to a person who obviously can't tell an Orpington from a Red Sex Link? That would explain why the cockerel I have is white with a tiny little bit of red on his feathers, wouldn't it? When I got them the Red Stars were all yellow with a kind of buff color on them, and the Buff Orpington chicks were all yellow. I guess I just mentally lumped all the yellow ones together or something, even though one of them was actually a male Red Sex Link. Now it makes sense......took a 2X4 but I finally think I get it. Mistaken identity from day one that just continued.

Um, kin I be done now? I think I've made enough of an idiot out of myself at this point! Sorry for putting everyone out. I guess as long as I learned something, right?

Charlie, the oddball Red Sex Link.

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