I have a few questions!!


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2018
i have a flock of 5......2 splash Wyandottes,2 lavender Orpington
S, and 1 Golden laced Wyandotte.
1St question...
My lavender Orpington is about 15-16 weeks old, and she was standing with her wings out a little and squatting her butt down the. She would stand up....getting close to laying??
2nd ?? One of my splash was dizzy and stumbling backwards so I separated her and her her electrolytes and probiotic in her water and gave a couple doses of antibiotics...she seems fine now it has been 6 days....when can she go back with the rest of her flock?
The squatting can be an indication that she's nearly ready to lay. If you don't have your next boxes set up/opened up yet, get them prepared. All of mine started laying within about 10 days of squatting onset, but it can take longer than that.
The squatting can be an indication that she's nearly ready to lay. If you don't have your next boxes set up/opened up yet, get them prepared. All of mine started laying within about 10 days of squatting onset, but it can take longer than that.

Yes I have them set up.....I’m very excited!!!! Will be my first eggs!! Hopefully
When squatting you should expect eggs within a week or else usually,that’s what I experienced.Even with older hens coming back into lay.
Ohh I'm glad I read this - I didn't know there would be hints that eggs were coming soon! Mabel is now 19 weeks and the other 2 are 17 weeks so hopefully won't be long! The weather is warming up well here and the days are getting longer :D I think in my climate where we only have short spells of very cold weather and not every year autumn / winter chicks are great as they are getting ready to lay as the weather is working with them! I shall be on the look out for squats :lau

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