I have a hen sitting on eggs who stinks..

little rooster owner

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 29, 2011
Ok so I left for camp and my mom took care of all the animals and forgot to get the eggs, so one of my hes started setting on them.. I cracked one of them open and there was a chick forming so I let her sit on the rest of them..
now she stinks really bad and so do the eggs I am not sure when they are supposed to hatch.. and another chicken started laying eggs in the same spot as her so now there are more eggs.. I cracked one open because I wasn't sure if there was anything in it but of course there was it was almost formed and still had yellow stuff inside the egg but as I was peeling the shell of the inside layer even that stunk.. I dont know if it was dead or alive before I cracked it..

How do I find out if they are alive and when they are going to hatch??
I have tried candleing duck eggs and I couldn't figure it out..
You need to candle them. Some are bad eggs but others may be good. Don't crack them open either way, those bad eggs stink!
It will be rather difficult to tell when they are going to hatch. However you can tell which eggs are bad just by smelling each one. They will at the very least smell "eggy"; at the worst they will smell really nasty. Just check them on by one and trust your nose. If in doubt put it back in the nest for another day or two. Starting from the day you left for your trip count forward 21 days and that would be the soonest they could start hatching. Sounds like you will have a graduated hatch either way. Try to be patient and let your hen do her job
the earliest would have been 5 days ago..
The problem is her smell it is horrid and all she does is sits so it is not going away..
The latest hers could have hatched would have been 2 days ago.. are they dead or are they slowed down because of the other chickens eggs or what??
I am so confused......

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