I have a mini rant.

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Just as an FYI, while I agree with splitting things up into paragraphs for the sake of saving some of our eyeballs the strain, the use of ellipses that was mentioned in an early post is done to show a very casual informal conversation rather than some harsh English grammar lesson.
We are just talking chickens here, not writing some novel to be published and used as a text book for a university.
As for posts being too long and people ignore them, it's ironic how those so quick to go over a post that is detailed (at least when I do it) when they are the ones searching for help.
You either want help or you don't, but then again a lot of this site is pretty much just people feeling the need to whine and be heard doing so.
Everybody needs a

Life is way too short to sweat the small stuff.
What makes the difference is that the OP (and myself) have seen posts that we would really love to read and respond to, but it too difficult to do so in the way that it is written. It's not about grammar or spelling - that we can overlook. If things are broken down into paragraphs it makes things a lot easier to read on a computer monitor.

We are not trying to be a pain, but we really would like to contribute on the posts the folks on the forum that have taken the time out of their lives to write about it and ask for help. It's not that we are calling for an uprising or a rule change, but an act of courtesy. Now, with that said, I have taken posts and pasted them into a Word document and made my own paragraphs. However, that was something that I done of my own accord because I truly wanted to help. I'm sure not everybody would be willing to do so, therefore... just make paragraphs.
Just like spelling, some folks just aren't as gifted at writing. Sorry it is painful for you to read those posts. I think threads like this scare people off, and they just won't post, so as not to offend with their poor grammatical skills.

So you are saying we should cater to the lazy and ignorant (not talking about those with legitimate issues), instead of expecting them to somewhat learn the right way to do things? Talk about the dumbing down of America! Nobody said everything had to be perfect and no mistakes/typos were allowed, but learning how to spell a word, where to put spaces, how to make paragraphs and using punctuation really isn't expecting too much! If you are joining a writing forum, usually its a pretty good idea to know how to write and read.

Also, why should the reader have to be the one to edit and make sense of what is written? What kind of logic is that?

Oops, meant to say, I would have to agree with Debi. It's hard to read those run on types of posts and if nobody tells someone that what they are doing makes it difficult for others to understand them, then how will they ever learn?
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Because maybe they are asking for help and I WILL muddle through it. I choose not to move on, if I can help at all.

Good grief. A mini-rant was all this was.

I agree with Wynette.

Seems you get a little bent out of shape if someone disagrees with you for some reason.
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