I have a prayer request :( 8/11/11 R.I.P Aunt Rosie

Chickie Mamma

Farmer at Heart
11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Sherman, CT
Hello, my Aunt Rosie has been suffering for months now and was just given her last rights. Please pray her suffering ends and God takes her into his own hands. She has lived 90 fun, happy years and has always been a huge part of our extended family. She has taken the place of my grandmother that passed almost 20 years ago and we are going to miss her soooo much, but we can't see her like this anymore. When she was still coherent, she kept asking me "who does she have to pray to, to end her suffering"... I have no answer for her
Its only a matter of days now, not eating or drinking on her own and is non responsive. She was the best aunt anyone could ask for!!
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I don't care how long I live as long as it is good. Steak, green beans and wine are a must. If I make it to 100 fabulous, as long as I am not a burden. I am soooo happy to read that your auntie has made it to 90 with many stories to tell and happy heart.
Thank you everyone for your support and prayers.
Aunt Rosie left us early this morning and is now reunited with her 2 sisters and brother.
She is in a better place.
R.I.P Aunt Rosie, we will miss you and we will always love you

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