I have a question regarding the wording changes in posts

That is a VERY BAD idea. Dependent on who does the naming the list would be very different in content and just start a war that is not needed or wanted here.

right..but..why is it okay to make jabs at others though?..thats really my one compliant on here...why make a comment like that?...how are people supposed to react to that type of comment?..just because some people actually have opinions on things..not just.."guess what i dreamed about last night"...or whatever.....why not just be an adult..and say it to them, if you have a such a problem with them that you have to post jabs?...
...or BETTER yet..dont make jabs at others....that would solve the whole problem...

I happen to AGREE with the not taking jabs comment.

Opinions are common on threads. Different points of view are common also. People are NEVER moderated for calmly stating a different point of view. It is when posts hit the point of being rude, confrontational, insulting or worded to incite that there is a problem. Then we moderate based on the rules of the forum.
If people take things said generally to be about themselves personally that is usually up to them.

For example, when I read the post about "some people just come to post where there are debates" I didn't think it spoke to anybody specifically, but that's just my own interpretation.​

right, that can be true,.. but, there are also others that post little one liner jabs at others..and then try to act all innocent about it afterwards...take this thread for example..someone was having a problem with something(not even sure what anymore)..then someone else chimes in..and they toss a few words back and forth..then...someone throws in the post about " I recently began to notice, and find it interesting that i NEVER see some user-names, unless it is a controversal thread going on"..now...can someone please tell me how in gods name is the person supposed to take that comment?...to me..it was a jab at someone...why not just be an adult an say..hey...i notice that you are controversial...directly to the person...if it bothers you so much that you posted about it..thats all i am trying to say......because..it does cause problems when people play word games with others...then acts all innocent like...just be an adult and tell them you have a problem with them..then everyone moves on...like i am going to do now....

edited to add: also, i'm not trying to bash anyone here... i really just wish it would stop...for everyones sake...
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Ivan3, props on using the word "ilk" but you lost me on the rest of your post... no disrespect, of course. Just need a little clarity for the other folks of MY ilk.

I can see where that is true however it is my RIGHT as parent to MY children to not let OTHER people put it in MY kids face when they might come here to look up different chickening ideas and such. You can expose your child to whatever you see fit. It's not up to me to influence that. Just as it's not up to you to expose my kids (via posting profanity or whatever it may be) to what I don't want my kids exposed to.

please don't flame me about it. You expressed your opinion. I expressed mine. My intent wasn't to jump on you. It was simply to debate your point.
i think what we need to remember on a forum that is available for any age group to see is be sensitive to the words that are chosen there are words that get used in some homes and they feel it is ok to use them and kuddos to you and there are some words that some feel are not welcome in thier homes and kuddos to you too..but thats what makes this group great almost everyone on here remembers that we are different and have different ideas.

please remember to be open minded when some offer prayers even tho it may not be your religon. (it was the thought that counts)

please remember that every persons idea of acceptable language is different and sometimes it could just be a generation gap (LMAO perfect example)

sometimes it could be a culture difference or a language barrier

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