I have a Turkey question.


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Feb 28, 2007
South Eastern Indiana
I have a pair of Royal Palms.....they are about.....21...22 weeks old. I know NOTHING about turkey behaviour. Do they lay like chickens?? Or only spring? Just wondering if there was a need to HURRY and get a nest box in there with them??
Our Royal's first eggs were laid when she was six months (Dec.) old. Both she and the slate hen were pretty spotty with the egg laying until May. They would start a nest and lay eggs but return to the shed in the evenings. Once they had what they considered to be an acceptable number of eggs in the clutch they would go broody. Set up some nesting boxes but, be aware, the turkey hens can get pretty adamant about where they want to nest (need lots of redirection sometimes - lock `em up where you want them to nest).

You'll know when they're getting into the `mode' when you hear them making plaintive `whoot', `whoot', `whoot' calls and walking off into the woods paying a lot of attention to cozy bramble overhangs - off to lay an egg (track `em down, grab the egg(s), place `em in nest box in secure pen). Once they go broody they'll usually only leave the nest once every few days to eat/drink dirt bathe/ poop.

Oh, they can get pretty aggressive when broody, watch your hands!
Thanks Ivan.....I dont plan to let mine free range. They have a large fenced in yard...covered...and will have a large coop...Ijust dont want to lose them to predators. Adam and Eve, ( my pair) have to repopluate!! LOL

Looks like would might both be getting turkey eggs in Nov. then. I ended up with two females and one Tom.
Now when do ducks start laying?

Thats great Kim!! Glad we both got at least one of each! We named our Adam and Eve...well DH did. They are doing great, I cant thank you enough!!
As for the ducks....Hmmmm....maybe about the same time as the turkeys??

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