I have been in Hospital and UPDATE ON HATCH PICS PICS PICS

Glad they let you go home-you get no rest in those places! Hope your feeling well soon.
Julie ~

Just remember rest heals best !!! Take it easy for a while atleast, and I think the Activia was a good choice !!

Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery !!!

Julie I hope you feel better soon. Thats always the pits. My prayers will be with you.
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Oh my goodness....and here I received a box of eggs from you today in fabulous condition, all ready to go. You must be very weak from an illness like that, it will totally drain you. Please don't over do....maybe watching a few baby chicks being as cute as they could be would be good therapy for you.

Thank you again for the eggs.

Thanks everyone. Your right about now rest in the Hosp. and the funny thing was I was on a clear liquid diet and I had the hardest time getting a tray. The first nite I got there I woke up at 11 pm and a man with a wheelchair was in my room to take me for a CT SCan and then they decided I needed a enema for contrast. I won't tell you how aweful that was. The next morn just when I was about to get a liquid tray they came and moved me to another floor and put me isolation because of the stool culture. I have something highly contaigous. It was 4 that afternoon before I got the tray. Of course they were sweet and brought me a popsicle. Have'nt been that hungry any way.

I have still got a few hatching. A Blue or Black Orp just hatched and I heard a chick in the other bator that I don't hatch in that had hatch. I apparently missed that egg in my illness. I will get pics in the morn. I don't have anymore to hatch for a week. I may be done except for Mottles for a while then. I mean when all the rest I have in there hatch.. Two more sets.
I'm sorry you were so sick. While I realize you had an infection, I remember reading an article in Wise Traditions (Weston Price newsletter) that said raw goat's milk is beneficial for people with IBS or ulcerative colitis. It also said that a doe produces the beneficial colostrum every day while she's "fresh". Who knows, maybe it will help your innards after you finish your antibiotics...

That's sad you missed the hatch. Guess you will have to do another one?

Good news, I got one to hatch. I think it's black though.
Black beak, yellow tummy, yellow on the ends of the wings, little white on the face. I'll get pictures when it dries off more and fluffs out. I just got another pip in one of the other set of eggs, so who knows I might still get some yet.

Hope you are feeling better.
Thanks Hen. I haven't completely missed the hatch. I just had another blue Orp hatch. I can't wait to take pictures. Ihave hatched some of the most awesome buff silkie chicks. I am enjoying looking in the window at them. I will take them out in the morning when I think the hatch is final.
I have heard that about Goats milk. I don't have a clue where I would find some here. I actually had a virus that my husband had the day before and some other people around me had had. I don't why it cause me have colitis and the bleeding but one other person in our church had that happen too. I feel the best tonite that I have felt. It is good to be home

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