I have chicks hatching this Friday 3-8 anyone else?

no I can saw their veins all the way through, and movement and I see they are almost at the stage where they enter their air cells. (I have hatched many times so I just know where they are.) but I was still air hatching and should have had it at 101 or so and mostly had it at 99 so they will be a bit slower.
ok well still just one out, one of the pipped eggs zipped and then I think it died :( but we will see. I have no other activity. If I end up with one chick, it will be super sad. Also with my luck, it will be a rooster.
I have 2 pips! The first one I think was the one I heard peeping yesterday. So it just piped today. Just got to be patient.
Ladeefire, what kind of chicks are you hatching? And I'm in NH also. Sunapee area.
I am hatching ee's and blue americanas . The one out is an EE. I have one pip, one zipped but not moving anymore and no activity on the other 11.

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