I have chicks hatching this Friday 3-8 anyone else?

My Hydrometer died!!!
Aww so cute! I am sad about the hatch. I should've just hatched my barnyard mutts but.... Anyway, lucky that I am traveling for work this week or I would be tempted to fill the brooder at tractor supply!
Hatch day was supposed to be Sunday, but I have 4 pips and it looks like I'll have one hatch today. This is my first try at incubating so I'm nervous. Also, there were some quail eggs in there and they hatched today as well. Aren't chickens supposed to take longer than quail? I've kept the temp regulated...but I guess Mother Nature knows best!

Oops, as I was typing, one hatched!
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I actually got to see with my own eyes one hatch completely. It took it a while but I was glad I just happen to be checking on them with the egg cracked open. People laugh at me about my chickens but I really enjoy them. Except having to take a rack with me to feed the few grown ones I have left. My rooster is SO mean
. He trays to jump on me every time I go out there.

But I still luv em
Mine are supposed to hatch this weekend! I have 5 silkie eggs due to hatch, hoping for the best, I have had three unsuccessful batches... I am determined to hatch some chicks!!!
Well, I have two little chicks now. Out of 8. I hope the others will hatch. I got worried after seeing no movement since yesterday morning and so I candled them. They don't seem to be fully darkened. Is this normal? They were moving around, vibrating, up until a day or so ago. I guess if they don't do anything by tomorrow night I will candle them again and if no internal pipping or moving I will do the float test.

My first chick got stuck and tried and tried to push out of the egg shell for hours and I finally helped it out. I think it ruptured itself (hernia?) trying to get out and now it is acting just fine but has a red protrusion. Will this go away?

The second chick was doing great, pipped and zipping like a machine and then it stopped for like 7 hours. I noticed the membrane turning tannish brown so I helped it out too. I feel bad about intervening but these may be my only two that hatch and I seriously think they might not have made it. I definitely need to set my incubator up better with a more accurate thermometer and thermostat. Also I need a backup light bulb in case one goes out like it did with this hatch and the temp got down below 60 degrees for a couple of hours.
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I hear what you're saying genesis1verse1. I had to help my latest one out of the shell. She was getting totally shrink wrapped. She zipped last night some time and I fully expected her to be out of the shell by morning, but not much progress. It was obvious that the membrane was shrinking around her quite dramatically. I don' t think there would have been any way she could have gotten out of the shell on her own.

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