I have chicks!!! more pics!!

Welsummers look very similar as well.
If it has tufts on it's cheeks it's probably an EE/Araucana/Americana. If not, it could be a Silver Leghorn, but I'm really hoping it's a Phoenix, which all look very similar. Tough one.

Very cute little ones also!!!! Please share pics often. We'll all be chicken buddies.
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I really dont see much tuffs on cheeks.. i posted in the other thread too.. i watched a video on brown leghorns he looks just like them but i dont think murry wound send a brown leghorn as an exotic.. its taller and stands different then the other babies and he has long legs, we nicked name it leggs lol.. i just hope he isnt a roo, if he is he will be up for adoption..
Both of us ordered from Mcmurray. They're the best. They throw in extra chicks and a free exotic, always healthy. I know many people who order from them.

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