I have disturbed the dirt

Play sand is fine.... and when is dirt every really clean anyway?
Play sand is normally put through the wash plant with all the other types of sand before being sieved into grades. It's as clean as it's going to get.
The playsand I got at Orchard Supply Hardware was white but the Home depot playsand I got at home Depot was brownish colors? There has got to be a difference even though they both said washed playsand
Sand will differ in color from mine to mine, from layer to layer, from one side of blast pit to the other. It all depends on what mineral (and the amount) was attached to the silica when the sandstone was formed. Out here for the sand mine hubby is at now it varies from beach white to rust and to green all in the same 280 acres, and this is after it's washed. The other mines in the area mainly have varying shades of pink/red/rust.

This is the only real difference in the sand that ends up as play sand. Really. It's all silica with trace minerals.
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