I have huge news! Update on pg.4...


12 Years
Oct 10, 2007
Just north of Dallas Tx.
Guess what!?! My mom is going to have a baby! I can't believe it! She wasn't going to tell me until later but I saw her putting on maternity pants and so she had to tell me.
I also noticed that she was getting bigger. I am so worried though because she has had 4 miscarriages in the past 3 years. It's so heartbreaking when you go in to the doctor's office all excited to see if it's a boy or girl and leave sobbing knowing that your brother/sister is gone. We've expierienced it 4 times now and it stinks. So you can understand why I'm so scared. I would really appreciate it if you would keep us in your prayers that the baby would get here and mom will be just fine. I'm so excited and so scared all at one time!
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That great!

When my mom lost a baby about a 2 years ago. I was real worried when I found out she was having another baby. Now I have a little sister. Hope everything goes good, me and my family will pray everything goes good.

Edited - To use better grammer
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What a wonderful thing for a sibling to pray for.. I will send prayers for your mom and the baby and for you... May you all be blessed with a happy, healthy baby... Dixie
OH YAY! Congrats, sweetie! I will deffinately pray for your mom & that everything goes well. Believe it and claim a healthy birth in Jesus' name.
Congratulations to you and your family. Your mom and baby are in our prayers. We are praying and believing for a healthy mom and baby!
I agree with The New Chick. Claim it and believe it in Jesus' Name. I will be praying for your mom and baby too. Put it all in God's hands, and don't worry about it. Just keep praying and saying good thoughts.

I know what your mom's going through too, been there done that.

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