I have new chicks! Come follow as they grow.

Your chicks are adorable!😍 my parents are the only really I don't leave with a box of chicks every time I go to tsc. Partypoopers😒...
My husband WAS the reason I don’t leave with unplanned chick purchases, but I think chicken math has hit him also! We were only going to keep 7, but we currently have 10 because “we eat lots of eggs” and “my friends are asking if they can buy some once they are laying.” There goes my willpower. At least adding new chicks next year won’t be an issue! 😂
I would not have expected Blue Laced Red Wyandotte chicks to look like that, so I will be watching to see how they develop as they grow.

Maybe they are Splash Laced rather than actual Blue Laced? That would account for how light their color is.
Well I knew somebody was going to say that 🙄 all of the chicks in that bin were the same color some the red was slightly lighter but not much. If they turn out to be splashed that's fine with me. I am questioning their Combs because they look like straight comes right now instead of rose but again every chick in the bin had a straight looking come so maybe they will grow out of it. I don't really care they're just pets I still love them to death
I have to say these chicks are so much more lovey dovey then my last are thus age. These girls are always letting me hold them and pick them up and are so calm in my lap the others at the sage would run around and scream when I tried to grab them. They are nice now but I can't imagine how sweet these little ones are going to be when they are all grown up
I am questioning their Combs because they look like straight comes right now instead of rose but again every chick in the bin had a straight looking come so maybe they will grow out of it.
Nope. If the whole bin had single combs, they are not Wyandottes.
Wyandottes can produce occasional chicks with single combs, but they should not produce single combs on all the chicks.

And no, single combs do not grow into rose combs. A rose comb is much wider and flatter than a single comb, from the very beginning.

Can you get a good photo of their combs? I'm curious to see them :)

I don't really care they're just pets I still love them to death
In that case, it's not a problem. Just a mystery until they grow enough to figure out what they really are.

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