I have no idea what I am doing

As you all know I struggle daily over weather or not we are doing what's best for Lucky and is she happy and will she continue to be happy and stay with us. The latest issue is that she doesn't like her things touched like her toys and her food and water or her beds, even cleaning her poop is a problem in the last week she has been bitting and I've just about reached the end of my patience with that. Basically taking it personally, feeling like we failed her in some way or that she wasn't happy here or didn't like us. After speaking to Jen she pointed out that we have a teenager now and that she is not a baby any more. Hard to believe it's only 7 weeks. Every day is a new adjustment for all of us and something new to contend with. We just want what is best for her and it's not always so easy to do lol.
As you all know I struggle daily over weather or not we are doing what's best for Lucky and is she happy and will she continue to be happy and stay with us. The latest issue is that she doesn't like her things touched like her toys and her food and water or her beds, even cleaning her poop is a problem in the last week she has been bitting and I've just about reached the end of my patience with that. Basically taking it personally, feeling like we failed her in some way or that she wasn't happy here or didn't like us. After speaking to Jen she pointed out that we have a teenager now and that she is not a baby any more. Hard to believe it's only 7 weeks. Every day is a new adjustment for all of us and something new to contend with. We just want what is best for her and it's not always so easy to do lol.
So interesting...territorial? Lucky to Daddys - "I'm old enough for my own room and some respect for my stuff" :lol: ..."but I still get cuddles, right????"
So interesting...territorial? Lucky to Daddys - "I'm old enough for my own room and some respect for my stuff" :lol: ..."but I still get cuddles, right????"
No joke. This morning she was out of her house sitting on a towel in the kitchen and pulling out her down feathers and I swear she was making a nest. I pulled the towel a few inches closer to me and she stretched her neck, grabbed the corner and pulled it right back. If any feathers blow off the towel she picks them up and puts them back on.

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