I have several broodys sitting on eggs and yet no babies!


11 Years
Dec 27, 2008
I have 4 broodys all sitting on eggs, not sure how long some of them have been sitting but Onyx's were due to hatch on the 11 th of this month and no chicks yet, I know she has been very faithful to the hatching process but still nothing! How long will she stay on the nest? Should I change out the eggs. All of the eggs under here should have been fertile as I have two very busy roos. Could someone please advise me as what to do? If i put fresh eggs under her will she continue to be broody or will she give up too soon? Thanks in advance , Sandy
It takes 21 days for chicken eggs. If it's been longer than that, you can candle the eggs - you should see all dark except for the air sac. (and if they have pipped internally, you won't see the air sac)

How old are your roosters? Have you checked your eating eggs for the bullseye?
Well my Roosters are 3yrs old and the other is 2yrs old and I have hatched many of their eggs with the incubator, and no I haven't checked any of the eggs she is sitting on for bullseyes, but the eggs I collect look fertile , at least I think that they are they have the dots with more circles around the dot? The 11th of April would have been her 21st day of sitting. but there are no chicks to show for all her efforts? I will candle her eggs tonight though and see whats happening or not happening there. Also if the eggs she is sitting on are no good is it too late to put more (fertile eggs) under her or do you think she will give up on it? The day I noticed that she was truely broody and sitting on a clutch of eggs was the 21st of last month. Thanks again Sandy
Yes, the white dot with the circle. If you have hatched the eggs in the incubator, then that shouldn't be the problem. I'd definitely candle the eggs to see what is going on.

She'll continue to sit, but I'd see how her weight is before letting her sit another 3 weeks. Can you get some chicks for her to mother?
ok I went out and candled her eggs as well as some of the other girls eggs, and there were many that were dark with air sacs, and a few clear ones . however I saw nothing moving in them? And I did smell a rotton egg also.
I would love to get her some chicks but the farm store no longer has chicks theyve quit selling them for the year. And my youngest are 7 weeks old. I did lift her up to get the eggs from under her and she felt in good weight she is a very hefty girl so that maybe helping her. And I keep a bowl of food and water close to her at all times, tonight I took treats with me and she refused them period, and tried to peck and scream at me when I made her move off the nest . it worries though that she has at least one bad eggs under there and wonder if thats not the only one. Should I pull all the eggs from her? and just not give her anymore?

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