I have so much to learn


7 Years
Mar 11, 2012
Arab Alabama
Guess I'm the only idiot that thought Cockrel was a breed. I face is still burning from embarrassment
Oh, that's okay! When I got my first 8 chicks, from pullet bins, I was told it was a 90% accuracy rate. Then they started growing combs... I thought how the HECK did I get so many roosters? What a HORRIBLE rooster to hen ratio! They're all roosters!!!

Uh, no. Only one was a rooster.

I didn't know hens also grow combs.

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well, there's plenty of them on here, so you can talk chicken whenever you want, and you'll have a massive audience base... :lol:

It's okay though, we all have to start somewhere. I can give you plenty of examples of stupid things I thought, albeit about topics other than chickens.

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