I have some chickens i am interested in finding out the breeds they are these 3 taller black ones an


6 Years
Aug 19, 2013
Hernando, Florida
I only have 7 chickens the ones i am interested in finding out the breed are these 3 taller black ones and a small golden color one let me see if i can put an image here i have uploaded some if any of you know how to look at my images you will know what ones i am talking about.

I was mad today went out side and a cat my idiot neighbors left behind when they moved was in the coop. I fixed the dog run they live in and then decide that i will never again leave my electric fence the goes around it turned off or open even if it is daytime! Have a new 12 volt batter in the solar charger but if that will not keep cats out i will put a 12 volt deep cycle one from my RV connected to it. Has anyone had any experiences with cats or other predators getting in their coop? would you think an electric fence keep them out?

I don't use an electric fence though I can help with the breeds. Your golden colored pullet is a Buff Orpington, your black chickens (which are probably Black Jersey Giants because you said that they were taller, if not they are probably Black Australorps) and it could just be the picture but I think that the black chick in the second picture is a rooster. His comb is very big and red and I think I see saddle feathers. How old are they? :)
Well i got the 4 of them august 29Th about 2 months ago and the guy i got them from told me the 3 black one were about 6 months old and the golden one about 3 months. they weren't laying eggs yet nor are they now. he also told me they would lay between 6 and 9 months. So the black ones must be about 8 months now and golden like 5 month.

it doesn't make the cockadoodle doo sound that we have heard and there is a rooster up the street i think if i can hear it he could? and that would encourage ours to cockadoodle doo? I am new to the chickens if you do not know so that is why I say all of this any information you can pass on would be greatly appreciated. At least one of the black ones is pretty aggressive. one of the black ones is loosing its tail feathers like they are fighting or what not?

My wife said to startle them like wave my hands above my head and the males will stand erect and females crouch? She read that somewhere on-line. I wanted a rooster she told me I could not get one i hope it is if i already have one that cool its to late

Thank you for all your help

So that would probably mean that the black ones are about 40 weeks old? By that age they should be laying eggs, could you get pictures of their tail feathers and side? Other crowing roosters can encourage a new cockerel to crow as well, sometimes when you startle or just raise your arm above a hen they will crouch, it is often called a sex squat/ crouch (it's to let the rooster mount the hen), and it doesn't work all the time. Your chickens are losing their feathers probably because it's time for molting for most chickens, here's a link that can help: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/molting-your-flocks-seasonal-shedding.
Do these pictures help any? My neighbor agreed she had chickens when a young kid at home in Indiana. We think 2 of the 3 black ones are roosters and if you look at them all together 2 look like it and one different tail feathers and cones both. black ones like 32 weeks and the golden one is 20 weeks. there are 2 larger ones i got with the setup from guy i work for, they could not bear to get rid of them or anything. They are literally 6 1/2 years old. I will have to separate one of the two roosters if they are.

But also they have never made that sound ever before. So whats up with that?

I guess they aren't laying due to the stress of my one former neighbor with the ridicules amount of as she calls them "rescued cats" yes a hoarder type of person with like 40 cats she turned loose in this neighborhood. She rescued them to abandon them leave behind here for all of us to deal with. She will simply go get more i may report to them ask them not to give her anymore or these back once i catch them with live animal traps before my other neighbors kill them.

Do these pictures help any? My neighbor agreed she had chickens when a young kid at home in Indiana. We think 2 of the 3 black ones are roosters and if you look at them all together 2 look like it and one different tail feathers and cones both. black ones like 32 weeks and the golden one is 20 weeks. there are 2 larger ones i got with the setup from guy i work for, they could not bear to get rid of them or anything. They are literally 6 1/2 years old. I will have to separate one of the two roosters if they are.

But also they have never made that sound ever before. So whats up with that?

I guess they aren't laying due to the stress of my one former neighbor with the ridicules amount of as she calls them "rescued cats" yes a hoarder type of person with like 40 cats she turned loose in this neighborhood. She rescued them to abandon them leave behind here for all of us to deal with. She will simply go get more i may report to them ask them not to give her anymore or these back once i catch them with live animal traps before my other neighbors kill them.

The 2 black chickens are both roosters, I'm assuming that the one with the head I can't see is a rooster as well. From feathersite it says this about the differences in Black Australorps and Black Jersey Giants:

"Australorps differ from Black Jersey Giants in that the legs of the Jersey Giant are black (some tending toward willow) and the underparts of the feet are yellow. In Lorps, the legs are black, shading to dark slate in adults, but the underparts of the feet are pinkish white. This works with good show stock, but hatchery stock is more variable and you can't ever be sure unless the birds grow to the size of Giants."

Here are some links to help:
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Do you happen to have pics of when you got them? I think they're probably younger than 8 months. In the first picture, you have two roosters. I can't see the third bird well enough to say.

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