I have to talk POLISH!

I have 12 3 month old pullets. They are an assortment of different breeds. My two polish top hats have just started getting their head feathers picked at. I think I might have to separate them. Will this be an ongoing problem? Can polish be I with other breeds?
Thank you. I am going to put them in their own run. I do need to get them a coop of their own. Wonder if I have anything laying around that I could use.
I use a welded wire dog kennel with cover for my Polish run. It's 10x10, plenty big enough for the 6 girls. And I don't have to worry about hawks with the cover on it. In winter I add clear shower curtains to keep out the icy winds and snow.
They have a building up against the kennel. The pop door stays open all summer, but gets closed at night in the winter. The building is a clearance shed kit from Home Depot.
Here's the shed, not quite done. The kennel was added to the back (the right on the pic). The inside has poop decks with roosts above them. We added cheap windows after this was taken.
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They will be on clearance in fall. Luckily we had the metal roofing left over from the big building, so it didn't cost much at all to do.
Can some one confirm this one is a pullet?

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