I have to talk POLISH!

Sure looks like one to me :) I wish I had one like that! All five of my GL turned out to be roos :-( Beautiful frizzle!

Thank you. I'm happy with her. Her name is Tina Turner. I also have Cher a Silver Laced and Lady Gaga a White Crested Blue. I bought two. Knowing there was a possibility of frazzle so its no fault of the breeder. She did offer to buy the frazzle back.

This is Wheezer. I think pullet as well.

I have 12 3 month old pullets. They are an assortment of different breeds. My two polish top hats have just started getting their head feathers picked at. I think I might have to separate them. Will this be an ongoing problem? Can polish be I with other breeds?
my polish are with my others and i have not problems with them being picked on.
I have 12 3 month old pullets. They are an assortment of different breeds. My two polish top hats have just started getting their head feathers picked at. I think I might have to separate them. Will this be an ongoing problem? Can polish be I with other breeds?

I have 12 chickens total, 4 of which are polish. I had one EE Roo that would pick at one of the girls crest for a couple weeks but haven't had any issues since. At some point (probably when my frizzle boy is mature) we will move all the polish over into their own run for breeding. My head roo and my black polish girl are rather close though so I may just keep them together and hatch out some ee/polish x's.

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