I Haz Fluffy Butts!!!!!! :) :)

Another Quail is Zipping!!
I now have another popcorn bug to add to the collection. It hatched! Slightly shirnk wrapped, but it hatched. Minimal help from me was needed. Just by wetting the membrane and he was able to push himself out.

Unfortunately now one of my Chicken chicks isn't doing well.
He may just be sleepy, but I have no other way to tell.

I'll leave him alone until morning....
how did the chick do?

(updated via text msgs since I'm stuck at work)
I now have at home 20+ new coturnix, 4 buttons and 6 chicken chicks!

after this hatch finishes I'm putting away the incubator for at least 3 months!
*fuzzys coming out of ears!*
Chicken chick isn't doing well.
I think it's just cold as it cuddles right up to you if you hold it.

The Quail chick got too cold in the Brooder, so it's back the 'Bator for some ICU time. It's been in there for a couple hours and seems to be perking up. I may do the same with the chicken chick here in a bit as well....
how warm is the brooder? I always make it 100F at the center under heat then make sure they have space to go out to cooler areas.
Sounds like it might be a little cool for them in the brooder.
I've got the brooder at around 85-90, which is as warm as I can get it without risking fire from the heat lamp (it's already very close to the towels on the bottom.

I have a 250 watt monster heat lamp in the wings, as opposed to the 100 watt brooder lamp, so I may swap it out to give them some extra warmth. This would also allow me to move the lamp up and away from the bedding. The lamp would go on top of the brooder top, instead of hanging inside the brooder.....

Most of the chicks are happily hopping around and making contented type noises.

I did lose the newest Quail chick a few minutes ago.

Mother nature, your a fickle being.....
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