I hope this Barred Rock is a hen,,9 wks old

Ive had some mean roosters,Im still processing the idea that she might be a he,Just last yr we had 2 of 3 turn out Roosters,One was a RIR and he turned from sweet lil chick to aggressive mean rooster..the hen became so friendly and submissive and Roosters were opposite.I think I just do not want to have to give a rooster away just because its a boy..we are in a small country town but in the city and no roosters are allowed.Roosters are so pretty though..Seems that in nature that there would be fewer roosters since u only need one for several hens..if you want fertile eggs.I do not need them..The chickens are egg producers but also make fun pets,and I get attached to them
No, at this age we are looking at the comb. Male feathering doesn't come in until 12 weeks.
yes, agreed...
and Clearer pictures were necessary- and then another blurry picture was posted. I was trying to help the person to get a more detailed picture for easier help. and, in my personal experience...comb size is not a definite teller...unless it's red, i guess. My experience: Some on BYC told me my chick was a roo because of the large comb. i was distraught and was looking to rehome. Thank goodness I was lazy on the rehoming...the chick turned into a beautiful gal and is a fabulous layer. The helpers were incorrect on the photo guess. It happens. Funny thought, in my case...size doesn't matter, lol. Be nice.
yes, agreed...
and Clearer pictures were necessary- and then another blurry picture was posted. I was trying to help the person to get a more detailed picture for easier help. and, in my personal experience...comb size is not a definite teller...unless it's red, i guess. My experience: Some on BYC told me my chick was a roo because of the large comb. i was distraught and was looking to rehome. Thank goodness I was lazy on the rehoming...the chick turned into a beautiful gal and is a fabulous layer. The helpers were incorrect on the photo guess. It happens. Funny thought, in my case...size doesn't matter, lol. Be nice.
I guess the point was that male feathering isn't present at 9 weeks.
With Barred Rocks I tend to tell if they are male or female by the barring, if its more white than black then its male, if its more black than white its usually female. I found the same was true with Cuckoo Marans but you can see other traits in Marans to determine male and female early on. The original picture looked female to me but I haven't had barred rocks in a long time to remember how much more black or how much more white the different genders had.
Ill snap some more pics tomorow,too dark now,all snowy and they are asleep,that's for giving me hope the BR might be a hen..
Yep he was a rooster, barred rock mix I think Leghorn, The white chick is a hen, Barred Rock started being too aggressive, chasing humans, pinning the hens down, drawing blood from beaks so he is gone.

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