I just found a stray chicken!! šŸ˜

Update: Mira is doing exceptionally well. Very healthy, gaining some weight, her comb is taking on more color. She is a part of the juvenile flock now! Bc she's been here over a week I decided she'd stay so now they are all free-ranging. They are all loving the life! Still not accustomed to people and very flighty, but I think she's here for good :love She's really pretty
That's great news. Let's see a photo.
Mira is so cute!
Sorry for your loss. :hugs
So, I have been thinking, she had to come from somewhere, you said that Mira was dirty and skinny with a white comb. Adult chickens that are abandoned don't last a good week in the woods. I am getting the feeling that someone bought a bunch of beautiful white chicks or possibly dyed chicks impulsivity and though, "Wait! I need to buy a coop and get food and 'waste' so much money feeding a bunch of new mouths during a pandemic?! Well obviously nobody cares for chickens that much and there are no websites for rehomeing. I'll just dump these dumb chicks into the woods to feed the cute bunnies, because I am smart!" This most likely ended with Mira's siblings sadly dieing because you usually can't buy only one. They fell by predator, hunger, and weather but one survived and her name is Mira which stands for Miracle which she is. She came to you with fear and mistrust in her heart but she will stay for the love as you slowly heal her soul. ā¤

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