I just lost my OEGB last night, could I still hatch her eggs?


Mar 16, 2009
South Central PA
I lost my OEGB to a fox last night. She was setting on her eggs about a week. They still giggle when I shake them. They've been cold about 18 hours or so. Will they still hatch if I put them in the incubator?

I'm so upset about losing this little girl, I would love to be able to hatch her eggs.
Thanks. Three jiggle and three do not, one egg really jiggles, like its watery. I don't know what to think? I don't have a maglite to candle them right now.

She was a really tiny hen, the eggs at the edge of the nest probably didn't stay as warm as the ones directly under her.
my electric went out over night, my hen couldnt fit all the eggs under her (broody) and they all are still going great, one hatched the rest are do on saturday, dont give up, oh and Im from Ohio, and its freezing!!!
Agreed!! stop giggling them!
Put them in an incubator. Do you know how long she had been setting on them?
Tomorrow after they are warmed and getting used to their new incubator home, you can CANDLE them to see how they are doing.
Lots of threads on candling. Depending on how far along they are, you should be able to tell if they are developing or have stopped or are clear (really giggly
Good luck, so sad to lose her!
Hope you get some of her chicks.
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I wish they were giggling. They're just jiggling.
That's funny though, I just realized my type-o, I need the laugh. Giggling chicks, that is funny to imagine!
Or giggling eggs for that matter!

I did candle them and tried to compare them to some photos of eggs, and I can't tell if they're still viable or not. Basically 3/4 of the egg is dark and 1/4 of the end is light. There is a very distinct line where the dark and light, ends/begins.

I'd say she was setting on them for about a week.
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