I just ordered 19 Chicks from Ideal!!!

Jayare's Chicks :

Well the chickies came in yesterday.

After opening the box I found 2 dead ones (my RIR's) and a few other chicks not doing so well. I have been nursing them but 2 others died later in the evening (1 BO & 1 EE) I am still nursing 2 others today. I hope they pull through. They are so cute.

I got my Ideal order on Saturday, 20 Barred Rocks, and 6 Ameraucanas (EEs). 1 BR was dead in the box, 3 more died within 12 hours, another died within 24 hours, and one more is looking like he is on his way out.
I don't think I'm going to ask for replacements. I was hoping for breeding stock, but I'm not sure if this is what I want to be passing on in my flock.​
It could be the cold weather.

I got all of my Ideal chicks alive and healthy in October... and they're still thriving.

I don't think they mark they cockerals unless you request (and pay) for it.
Well, on the bright side, Ideal certainly lived up to their customer service reputation. I called today to let them know what happened, and they refunded my CC without a hitch. Wouldn't it be nice if all businesses were that easy to deal with?
Well I ordered the 5 replacements and bought 2 more SLW's. They said they would have to put in some warmers, so looks like I'll have some roos to find some new homes after they grow up. Unless they are too cute to re-home and I end up keeping them.

My photobucket account is having trouble loading for some reason today. I will try again later and see if it's working so I can post some pics of the chicks.

3 Silver Laced Wyandottes

4 EE's

7 Buff Orphingtons

The 14 Chicks

edited to add that after these pics were taken today 1 of the EE's died also. Now there are 13 of the 19 left. I guess I will call Ideal tomorrow and have them add 2 more EE's with the next shipment.

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Awwwwwww what cute babies! Gosh they grow too fast, I remember when mine were that little.... now they talk back to me, follow me around, pick at my jacket, pants and get under my feet! BUT they give me EGGS TOO!
Well I called Ideal today to see about when my replacement chicks would be shipped and to order a couple more since that other one died. They said they will be shipped next week.

I was going to order 2 more EE's since one more died after that pic above was taken but they said they would replace the one that died so I am only having to pay for the other one of the EE's I added.

They are replacing 2 RIR, 2 BO, & 2 EE's and I am buying 2 more SLW and another EE. I look at it this way- the more I pay for and add to this order the less "warmers-roos" they add and it would be less I have to find new homes for.

They have been a pleasure to deal with and I will use them again when I want to add more to my flocks.

Although I did forget to thank them for being a sponser to BYC but when they call next week to tell me the chicks are shipped I hope to remember to thank them then.

I ordered 30 chicks from Ideal yesterday. MY DH almost stroked out. Original plan was for 15 to 20 chicks. When he asked if I had lost my mind I just said "After all these years you just now ask that question." Obviously he has not been paying attention to the stuff I do.
Anyway they are suppose to ship on Feb 20. Ordered 10 Blue Silkies, 10 Spangled Cornish, and 10 Iowa Blues. Anyone out there have the Iowa Blues? They just looked like a great all around chicken so I ordered.
These are the first chickens in 20 years. Got to get that chicken house built pronto.

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