I keep going back and forth...should I? Shouldn't I? Should I?


8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
So, I have been searching this forum to find out everyones favorite breed and the friendliest one. But....I am still going back and forth. I will read a post about the friendliest bugger ever, then read one about aggressive boys.

My daughter, who is sitting right next to me, wants you all to talk me into getting a goose. I have ducks, so do I HAVE to get two? Are they messier than ducks?

Should I? Shouldn't I?
Here's what I have found in my limited (this year) experience....
I was given a couple of white geese as adults...they are not friendly but do not "attack" me. I have no doubts they would charge a person who is more timid in nature though! I also bought 3 goslings...pilgrims...and they were "babysat" by the adults so they are not super friendly. I was also given a pair of Toulouse...they were hand raised and are the friendliest cutest little PITB's you have ever seen

I would say to get 2 because they REALLY get attached together. I had one I had to separate for an eye injury and her mate kept calling her for 2 days!
They mow grass efficiently
They are beautiful
They do not seem to make as much of a mess with the water as my ducks
They help deter predators due to their size

They are louder than ducks when they honk
They eat more
They can be aggressive at mating time but maybe not all males??
They do like to "taste" everything so plants may be at risk if not fenced in

Anyway...here are some pics of the geese...I LOVE the Toulouse

Here is one of the adults with a pilgrim (?) female

The other adult..

Here are the Toulouse pair doing what they love to do...taste everything including Crocs and pants


And here is a young pilgrim male...
Loud.....as in Pekins loud? My Pekins quacked sooo much in the mornings. They were LOUD. Do geese just honk and be done with it, or do they honk and honk and honk over and over again??

I really want one, but like I said....I keep going back and forth. I am LOVING my ducks and I don't want to do anything to mess up what I have right now.

Gotta think...what to do, what to do? I am not a disposable pet owner, so I want to make an informed decision, not a spur of the moment. But....I REALLY want one....or two!

Thanks for your response....I appreciate it!
No problem...I would say they are only loud when I first let them out in the am.They greet each other with outstretched necks and chattering. Or if they are telling the chickens off
I also have 30 ducks and Pekins in there....I don't think they are any louder than the Pekins...or if so not too much. Mine do not do it all day...mostly in the morning or if I am rounding them up for something.The big thing I would say is to make sure they have enough grass. How big is your yard?
I know exactly how you feel - but once I got my geese I haven't had a moment of doubt about them. I was super concerned about temperament so I got day-old Buffs from Metzer. They've been my buddies from day 1. I would suggest a pair, everyone should have a pal of their own kind around IMO. Mine are great with the ducks and with people, goats, everything, though they do always come over to interact and join the conversation. They will honk when they see me, and then it's low level happy burbling. Honks are somewhere between duck and car alarm. Maybe donkey bray equivalent. But not all the time like some duck hens.

Oh and it's mostly just one of my geese who's a loudmouth. The other two I hardly hear!
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We have a donkey/mule mix, and that thing can bray like no other...it is loud and weird!!!

I have an acre lot, and they would be back in the back pasture, with not too much grass....though I heard that you can cut your lawn and give the clippings? True story?
I'm sure you can...just be prepared to have none in their area! I have to get rid of 3 since I am seeing too much grass being nipped too short. I also have an acre but I have a lot of chickens free ranging as well so 7 geese is too many. I'm gonna try 4 for next year and see how it goes. Mine are free range BTW.
OK--Disregard what i just wrote....I'm a doofus! Just re-read your post and realized you were probably referring to feeding clippings to geese, not your noisy donkey..it's late and I'd better log off before I really say something silly:)

Regarding lawn clippings and equines....please do not give it to your donkey as a part of his/her diet. If you do want to give his any it should be freshly cut and just a little--cut grass is very moist and tends to ferment quickly, can cause some major gut problems. And obviously make sure there's no chemicals/fertilizers on it:) I know the horse 'experts' say to never feed lawnmower grass to horses, but I also know from personal experience that one can if one is cautious. I do not do it often, too much work to rake up the clippings! Hay is still your best bet for your donkey, especially if your pasture doesn't have a lot of grass...
Good luck with your goose or no goose decision!
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I got my first goose by mistake lol you see I thought i bought a duck. My husband wanted a duck so when I went to get some baby chicks I bought a duck with now is 4 mos old is a goose and his name is goosie and I love him more then my ducks I let him walk around with me I can pick him up and hold him he will put his head on my shoulder I have a pic will show it. I.ve heard their mean but he is just a sweetheart but I would get to because he is try to mate my ducks and from what I understand and may be wrong they mate in water any way he almost drowned my ducks . so now I have him a baby female she is
6 weeks I think and when I let them walk together it is just so adorable . Good luck!
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Actually I think I am the doofus....WE don't have a donkey mix, my neighbors do! I was just commenting on the noise! LOL....dork, that is me.

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