I killed them all and I can't stop crying.

Nobody seems to answer any of my threads. I don't know what I did or how to save the rest of the eggs that are due to hatch in 2 weeks. How do I jeep them alive instead of killing them? Can someone please read my post about it and tell me something? https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/979436/i-killed-them-all#post_15246024
I replied to your post. I answered assuming you are talking chickens, on the chance it is ducks let me know and I can post the pictorial of duck air cells to compare by and you can add daily misting to what I already stated.
Yes they were ducks. I cooled and misted. I also calibrated thermometers and hygrometers, the incubator with the hatcher and they both have the same reading. Unless, I wonder if one stopped giving a correct reading during lockdown. I'm going to recalibrate.
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Hygrometer and thermometer in the Hatcher wear off by six and 7°. I just calibrated them five days ago, so it must have malfunction just before they hatch. It makes me sick.
My best guess Susan10 is that there was something wrong with the eggs to start with. Unless you made a drastic mistake somewhere along the line. But it sounds like you came very close to nailing it. The humidity levels you posted are good. Was there a temp spike up or down that you know of?
I have hatched many of eggs and want you to know, you are not alone. Just recently each and every egg died. I beat myself up. A friend of mine opened some of them and from doing this you learn if and what you are doing something wrong or should it be a genetic issue. Again, this morning, two beautiful moving baby ducks a week ago....no movement today. Gone. I understand and it is very frustrating but open your eggs so that you can discover should it be human error or Gods will. Hang in there.

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