I know I'm nuts, but HOW MUCH?

Love that quote but I don't think my DH would agree. We have 20 acres. He already built a second coop because I didn't stop at 6. I now have 23 hens and I still want more. I want a rainbow basket, definately need dark brown eggs, some pink eggs, some speckled eggs, some dark olive eggs etc etc. No Control!

Nope. It's STILL not too many when you out grow the yard. Then you just have to move.
yup, your a goner. Hubby just builty the 3rd coop, and I have a brooder box in the barn and a flock of orphs that love the barn way more than the hen house, and am anxiously awaiting some eggs to hatch. Its addicting, and yet quite fun. I talked hubby into the last 25 fuzzy butts by getting broilers.
Can you bring some Leghorn pullets down to Tennessee too?
Your Leghorns are GORGEOUS!!!! They sure don't grow 'em like that here in TN.

Uh oh but we have some real nice Leghorns here in TN...just not going to sell any of them
we have the beautiful white commercial ones then some buff, red, black, exechequer, brown and some Mille Fleur as well. Every once in awhile someone gets lucky and gets one of our leghorn chicks-just sold a few Exechequer's but it doesn't happen often

Our little 6 chickens is now around 175 and we have 65 in the bator still. That white chicken thing...we have lots of white leghorns and Rhode Island Whites even our Delawares are mostly white and none have been dinner...for critters at least! We now have 6 coops and will have 2 more big ones by spring-married to a builder he doesn't bother to say no after 20 years he knows me

One thing to remember NEVER TOO MANY CHICKENS
I have buff orpingtons and they are really sweet good layers through winter and really cute as babies
I have a very wild yard with woods attatched and also have always chosen darker chickens, reds, barred, EEs in darker colors, etc for just that reason (predators). I've lost very few to predators or cold, (knock wood) and attribute at least some of that to choosing the right birds for the place I live. Since we have damp cold winters, I go for smaller combs too. This spring (late winter) I hope to get some Buckeyes since they are bred for this very climate.

Just give up trying to control your chicken addiction, enjoy yourself since in the grand scheme of addictions, it's a pretty darn harmless one, and actually, pretty darn healthy really. There's a lot to be said for caring for creatures that depend on you to help you care for yourself!
It's part of it, isn't it? I've been looking into additional coops and duck housing now.


It is!! I have a storage building in the backyard, and it occured to me last week that it would make a perfect 2nd coop. I've been throwing and giving stuff away ever since that day, clearing the building out. I'm getting rid of stuff that I thought I would never part with...but now with the thoughts of more chickens dancing in my head, I am on a cleaning binge!

ARRRG! I have a spare shed raised off the ground in my fenced-in dog yard... you are such a bad influence!
It is!! I have a storage building in the backyard, and it occured to me last week that it would make a perfect 2nd coop. I've been throwing and giving stuff away ever since that day, clearing the building out. I'm getting rid of stuff that I thought I would never part with...but now with the thoughts of more chickens dancing in my head, I am on a cleaning binge!

ARRRG! I have a spare shed raised off the ground in my fenced-in dog yard... you are such a bad influence!

<insert evil laugh here> My job here is done!

HBuehler - You are just stingy and mean

But seriously, is there a difference between Leghorn and Commercial Leghorn? That could be why I am disappointed when answering for sale ads....hmmmm
Can you bring some Leghorn pullets down to Tennessee too?
Your Leghorns are GORGEOUS!!!! They sure don't grow 'em like that here in TN.

why thank you and of course i can! i just hatched a ton! and did i see a need for speckled sussex? i'll load those up too!

Nothin' but a bunch of enablers here!

miss-jayne, miss-jayne, are you on your way yet? I see you've got at least three California orders now and a few more stops on the way! oohhhh, speckled sussex too? I NEED those!! Yes, yes, bring 'em all!

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