I locked them down tonight!

I'm putting mine in lockdown today. 21 days is Friday. I don't really expect any to hatch d/t fluctuations in temp., but we will see....
Good luck! Don't give up, I'm not...but many problems as well. If nothing else, I look at this as a learning experience. We all have to start somewhere, and I bet even those hatching hundreds a month had some bad experiences. That is how they learned, and how we will learn. Each setting will get better and better!
yes, def. a learning experience....I hatched acouple bunches a few years ago, but haven't done any since and lost my booklet that went with my LG. I want to get another LG next time so I can incubate in one and hatch in the other...raising lots of new breeds this year so by next year will have hopefully some eggs to hatch from them!
I have a pip!!!! Yay!!!!
yes, def. a learning experience....I hatched acouple bunches a few years ago, but haven't done any since and lost my booklet that went with my LG. I want to get another LG next time so I can incubate in one and hatch in the other...raising lots of new breeds this year so by next year will have hopefully some eggs to hatch from them!

By LG do you mean the Little Giant Still-Air? That's what I am using.
I'm incubating first time and have the Little Giant as well. I have the turner. I'm at 15 days and getting advise on rather or not to take them out of turner but I have a question no one has been able to answer. Since they are in an upright position and I'm told to take them out of turner and lay them on wire rack that means I lay them on their side. Was also told to elevate the large end with the air cell and how do u elevate an egg?

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