I lost a pullet today?


11 Years
Oct 25, 2008
Summerfield, NC
Folks today when I went out to check my birds I discovered a 3 month old hen dead. She was laying flat face down and her feathers didn't look very disturbed. At first I thought she had just died. When I turned her over I could see where something had eaten her belly and chest out. Her head, neck, and every where else on her body looked fine and intact. Only her belly and chest was eaten. I locked up the other birds in the coop and I've set a live trap inside the lot in hopes of getting lucky. What kind of predator does this sound like to you guys?

Always thought a coon would not leave the head behind, but would eat it first. Is it possible an owl or hawk did it? Is run covered?
The run is "partly" coverd. There is room for a hawk to enter. I'll seal up the middle part of the run as soon as this snow storm allows.
Yesterday evening before the snow storm I saw a hawk swooping down at the coop. None of the girls were out so he didn't stop. He just kept going into the woods.

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